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A New Life in the Sun

Renee Kuo • May 20, 2022

Ready for your close up?  Not quite!

Nearly a year after moving to France, we opened the doors of our B&B in June of 2020 to guests…and a film crew! ‘A New Life in the Sun’, the UK TV programme which features British ex-pats as they embark on new careers after leaving Britain, followed our early days of renovations to the close of our first summer as a Bed & Breakfast.

Our lovely camerawoman, Iris, was fantastic at putting us at ease as we were more than a little nervous to have a camera in our faces as we struggled to teach yoga classes in French (Renée) or install a toilet for the first time (Alastair).  And then there was the daily juggling of family life with preparing copious breakfasts, cleaning rooms, and trying to keep an infant out of trouble!  Fortunately, with teamwork (and hard work!), we seem to have pulled it off, as several of our guests were kind enough to be interviewed on film about their stays, and all left wonderful reviews.

If you are in the UK, you can catch a replay of our three episodes (Season Six, Episodes 26, 27 and 28) on Channel 4’s website.

TV show aside, we are so happy we embarked on our 'new life' in France.  It hasn't always been an easy transition, especially in the early days with a baby/young child, but we have absolutely no regrets.  As much as we loved London, we were looking for a new start which afforded us more time as a family.  We feel very fortunate to have found this wonderful region, our quiet village, and La Maison. We hope you love it here as much as we do.

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